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Amélioration de la production et de la disponibilité

Les services Total Condenser Performance™ de Conco stimulent les performances des condenseurs et des échangeurs thermiques et réduisent le risque d'arrêt de fonctionnement forcé.

Réduction de l'arrêt de fonctionnement, amélioration du temps de fonctionnement

Conco a considérablement réduit les temps de nettoyage des unités de récupération d'acide sulfurique en raffinerie tout en améliorant les performances des temps de fonctionnement.

Des services clés en main pour petits et grands réseaux d'échangeur de chaleur

Réparations et entretien préventif pour chaudières, échangeurs thermiques et autres équipements industriels.

Technologies de nettoyage à degré zéro de contamination croisée

Le système de nettoyage au LN2 UHP NitroLance™ de Conco exploite la puissance de l'azote liquide pour dégrader en toute sécurité les dépôts résistants sans produire de flux de déchets secondaires.

Acquisition of Blue Wolf Performance Solutions

Conco Services LLC is excited to announce the acquisition of Blue Wolf Performance Solutions and its subsidiaries including Aqua Drill International, Hennigan Engineering, National Heat Exchange, Reliable Industrial Group and Hydrocarbon Filtration.

  1. Production d'énergie
  2. Raffinage
  3. Pétrolier et gazier
  4. Pétrochimique
  5. Announcement

Conco Total Performance™

Nos services de nettoyage

Fort de plus de 90 ans d'expérience, Conco propose des options pour s'attaquer à tout sur son chemin. Nos équipes ont restauré l'efficacité et la fiabilité de plus de 150 millions de tubes dans le monde.

Nettoyage des tubes ProSeries et TruFit
Aqua Lancer
FinTech ACC
Flushing Screens
Flushing Screens

Change Your World

With less water used, the need for waste water treatment is greatly reduced, shrinking the carbon footprint of our customers' plants. Conco understands the importance of environmental cost savings and can provide pre and post job sustainability reports to our customers. Your report will show approximately how many gallons of water will be saved and correspondingly the savings you will see in water treatment costs.

greener logo

Ce que pensent nos clients

Went very well, especially for it being the first time Conco was there to do a job. The day crew supervisor was very helpful. Testing was great. I really like that we can have the same company clean and test….makes it 
easier for us.

Andrew Groce
American Refining - Bradford

You all were able to clean out our overhead condenser -which we haven't been able to clean effectively in years -and the ability to also do the tube thickness testing is a big plus. We like the 'one stop shop' as we've had issues in the past with a cleaning being poor, and then when the NDE folks come in, the tubes aren't ready cleaned sufficiently and it becomes a circus.

Brandon Teller

Appreciated work ethic and communication of the guy in the field.  Able to get tubes cleaner than we have been with previous onsite cleaning.


I’ll make this easy for you: We love Conco. They do a great job. Never have any issues.

Robert McFadden
Shell - Sewaren

Work was completed in a very timely factor. We have a duplicate job coming up next month and I wouldn't think of changing service providers.

Brain Kachel
Astro Machine Works - Ephrata, PA

10+…easy. Everyone here was very pleased with the work. This is the easiest 10 I have given. We have been very happy both times you have been on site. Conco is much faster than hydro blasting. Your guys did a great job setting up and cleaning up after. They’re very efficient. Price is a little high, but we ran some numbers and if we clean at least 3 exchangers when we have you come, the price is more competitive. We wish you guys had a KY office. Already looking at more work you can do for us.

Jerry Lawler
Dow - Elizabethtown

Conco did a great job. Every time I went to check in on the job, all the Conco employees were always working hard and had their area in order. Conco 100% delivered on their promise and they were ON IT the entire time. We will absolutely have more opportunities for Conco. You are more efficient than your competitors.

Chevron El Segundo

Another stellar performance by Conco. You guys are 10 for 10. You roll with our curveballs and have a continued consistent performance. It’s always a rough circumstance when we call Conco, but you always come through and help us solve our problems.

Walter Jones
Mosaic - New Wales

Tremendous job to say the least. We appreciate your flexibility with our constant changing schedule. We don't have a single complaint about Conco and we plan to keep you as busy as we can.

Jim Gard
Corteva - Pittsburgh

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