Petro-Jet-Lancer (PJL) Online Tower Cleaning
When fouling compromises plant operation and shut-down is not an option, this hands-free, high-volume cleaning technology cleans while piping remains in operation at high temperatures and pressures.
- Remote operation of proprietary fluid jets that use product liquids to be compatible with live production system
- Sealed and chemical-resistant entry with exit open to scale collection trap for full containment while simultaneously cleaning
- Dual seal technology and emergency retrieval systems provides second layer of safety
- Enter systems up to 1000 psi and 1000° F
- Powered By Conco’s Aqua Drill 600-2000 horsepower diesel driven mobile pump units
Common Applications include
- Fractionator quench towers
- Atmospheric towers
- Tanks
- Columns
- Large diameter tower trays with or without bubble caps at various elevations
Pre-engineering & Planning
- 3D CAD drawings of system
- Animation to review obstacles
- Analysis of tower scan
- Development of cleaning procedure
- Design layout for remote operation