Off-site Refurbishment

Off-site Refurbishment

Off-site Refurbishment

Off-site Refurbishment

Ensure your unit’s reliability in Conco’s one-stop shop for heat exchanger clean, test, design, and repair services.  Reduce at-risk headcount on-site and send your equipment to Conco’s facility for a full suite of refurbishment services.


Typical refurbishments are outlined below, with additional services available to meet your needs:


Shell & Tube Refurbishment

shell and tube


Plate & Frame Refurbishment 

Plate and Frame


Data Analysis and Reporting

Provide a report upon return of equipment including:  

  • Quoted services
  • Photos of intake
  • Summary of actual services conducted including cleaning, tear down, and indicators of maintenance needed
  • Photos upon completion
  • Documented test results
Coating application services available 
  • Utilizing Belzona full line of products for all temperatures, fluids, etc. to protect from future scale buildup without inhibiting performance of your unit.

blue coating   red coating