Testing Services
Conco offers a variety of testing capabilities to match your inspections needs. Incorporating patented technology-based cleaning, nondestructive testing and leak detection services, Conco will improve energy output, reduce at-risk personnel onsite and decrease outage downtime. Nondestructive Testing helps to prevent forced shut downs by detecting various defects such as pitting, cracking, corrosion, erosion, grooving, steam impingement and tube-support fretting that cause tube failures. Leak Detection services saves the day by quickly identifying leaks for swift repair and return to service. Call today to plan an efficient outage utilizing ONE contractor for cleaning and testing!
Conco's Testing Capabilities include:
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Services
ECT - Eddy Current Testing
RFT - Remote Field Testing
ECTA - Eddy Current Array Testing
NFT - Near Field Testing
NFA - Near Field Array Testing
IRIS - Internal Rotary Inspection System
ECTSAT - Saturation Eddy Current
SET/SETA - Surface and Surface Array Eddy Current