Leak Detection Services

Leak Detection Services

Leak Testing Services

Increase your plant's performance and help put a stop to forced outages...put Conco to work locating and repairing air in-leakage and tube leaks today.

Air in-leakage negatively impacts plant performance, while tube leaks can cause forced outages costing plants thousands in maintenance and lost productivity. Using advanced leak detection technology, Conco technicians can quickly locate sources of leaks within your plant. Conco has been a leading provider of leak detection services for over 30 years and utilizes the most cost-effective leak testing methods based on application requirements.

Expert Crews and Leadership

Conco's Leak Detection Crews are comprised of seasoned technicians who have restored performance to thousands of plants worldwide for over 40 years and average over 23 years experience. With complete knowledge of components within a vacuum boundary, our crews come fully compliant with fossil, nuclear, and other testing procedures.

Crews can detect:

Common applications include:

  • Condenser air in-leakage
  • Condenser tube leakage
  • Heat Exchanger tube leakage
  • Sources of dissolved oxygen
  • Stator water system leakage
  • Main generator leakage
  • Aluminum castings
  • Batteries (single cells, pouch cells, modules, complete packs, 
    cooling circuits)
  • Ceramic insulators
  • Consumer products
  • Hermetic feedthroughs and hybrid packages
  • High pressure hoses, gas tanks, and vessels
  • Medical devices and tools
  • Refrigeration and air-conditioning components and complete systems
  • Sealed microelectronic devices and open packages
  • Underground piping
  • Vacuum components, manifolds, chambers, systems, and furnaces
  • Water filters, tanks, and filtration vessels
Testing Capabilities

Conco offers a variety of testing capabilities to match your leak detection needs. 

Type of TestFeaturesPicture
Helium Leak Testing
  • Helium Mass Spectrometer System to inspect for condenser air in-leakage while the unit is running and condenser tube leakage while the unit is online or offline 
  • Can test main generators and stator water systems when down
  • Complete Helium Mass Spectrometer Systems for sale
  • In-house training is available
SF6 Testing
  • Detectable concentration of one part per ten billion versus helium’s one part per million above background level
  • Ideal for finding very small leaks within condenser tubes
  • Only company to manufacture a continuous sampling SF6 analyzer
SF6 Analyzer
Helium Pressure Testing / Vacuum Testing
  • Helium Pressure Testing / Vacuum Testing on test objects required to be leak-proof
  • Testing completed to meet the specifications provided
Hydro Leak Testing
  • Test at 1.5 times manufacturers maximum pressure to return to service
  • Initial testing before equipment goes into service available at requested pressure
  • Includes a hydro test tree with a certified gauge and relief valve to prevent over-pressurization of the equipment
  • Complete and accurate documentation will be provided follow testing
Hydro Leak Gauge
Penetrant Testing
  • Zyglow liquid fluorescent penetrants detect cracks and surface discontinuities in ferrous and non-ferrous test materials
  • Technician will apply spray developer, followed by activator and flaws are identified via black light
  • Primarily used on plate heat exchangers’ individual plates
Zyglow Test
Locating Sources of Air In-leakage

Conco pioneered the use of tracer gas technology to locate air in-leakage in power plants. Since 1978, Conco has restored performance to thousands of plants worldwide using our exclusive technology. Conco technicians are the best in the business with an average of 23+ years of experience in the field. They have complete knowledge of all the components within your vacuum boundary. A typical 500 MW unit can be fully tested in one shift with no need for plant interruption. Our technicians are fully compliant with fossil and nuclear testing procedures and are confined space, first aid and CPR trained.

Locating Circulating Water Tube Leaks

Circulating water leaks can result from penetrations through the tube walls, from joints between the tubes and tubesheet, or from other penetrations between the water box and condenser shell. Contaminants in the circulating water change condensate chemistry, which can cause boiler or steam generator corrosion. Poor water chemistry can also cause stress corrosion cracking of turbine components. Conco’s leak detection crews specialize in finding tube leaks within main condensers. Our methodical approach, using either helium or SF6 tracer gases, ensures that we find even the smallest leaks.
