FinTech™ ACC
Calling on Conco’s FinTech™ ACC Service is your fastest, safest way to clean any fin-fan heat exchanger.
The fouled surfaces of fin-fan heat exchangers can cause performance issues, especially when ambient temperatures start to rise. Before FinTech™, cleaning fin-fan units meant tedious work at dangerous heights, often working from scaffolds and ladders, while using fire hoses, hand lances or harsh chemicals. These methods were problematic not only because using fire hoses and hand lances would damage the unit’s delicate fins, but also because using chemicals would pose environmental cleanup, health, and safety concerns.
FinTech cleaning provides plants with a safer, affordable, and more effective alternative to dangerous high-pressure or chemical cleaning. FinTech can accommodate any fin-fan, air-cooled heat exchanger and has been used successfully to clean fins fouled with dust, dirt, debris, pollen, leaves, insects and even bird and bat carcasses.
Conco can setup and operate a portable FinTech system to help you save on capital expenditures or operate your currently installed system. Whatever you prefer.
Conco’s FinTech ACC services have become the preferred solution in power plants, chemical and petrochemical facilities, and processing industry factories worldwide.
How It Works
At the heart of the FinTech system is a computer- controlled 12-nozzle water jet assembly. The assembly travels on tracks at a constant speed and fixed height, ensuring a consistent and thorough cleaning from start to finish. Water nozzles on the assembly are configured to match fin geometry, ensuring that they clean all the way through, not just on the fin surface. The frame and tracks of the system are adjustable for virtually all sizes and layouts of fin-fan exchangers, including flat coolers, vertical coolers, and “A” frame and “V” frame configurations. The FinTech system is suitable for use on all materials, including steel, aluminum, brass and copper.
- Fast - driven at optimum speed, the nozzles can clean 325 square feet per hour
- More effective than cleaning with hand lances, foam washers or fire hoses
- No wait time for heat exchanger cooling, FinTech can be used while your system is on-line
- Safe – no personnel on scaffolds or exposed to hot, humid conditions during operations
- Specialized attachments optimized to work with non-removable protective louvers
Fouled Fin-Fan Tubes A Problem? Don’t worry. Conco has your TruFit solution.
Don’t be fooled by hydroblasting and chemical cleaning. These methods are not only dangerous and time consuming, but often leave a significant amount of deposits clinging to the tube walls keeping your plant from running at peak efficiency. For a safer, more thorough cleaning experience, talk to us. Conco’s TruFit method uses mechanical tube cleaners, custom engineered to match your tube material, size and deposit, propelled through your fin-fan tubes with safe low-pressure water. Concerned about the manifolds? No problem. Our unique bridging system “jumps the gap” between the bolt plugs and tube sheet, allowing for a complete removal of the tube deposits from the unit while leaving the manifolds in place.
Click HERE to see Conco's TruFit Technology